Splash was so much fun! The STEM Committee gave a lecture to local Boston students about Chemical Engineering and its applications in the ice cream industry. Students used thermodynamic knowledge to make their own ice cream. Dom Pizzarella (STEM Chair) says "We are in good hands thanks to the eager and ambitious future generation!"
Ice Cream Test Run
We had a blast thanks to the STEM Committee who taught us all how to make our own ice cream! It was a real treat and a great way to chill out before midterms!
Evertying in the Industry
We got to hear an amazing panel of industry professionals talk about their experiences working in the Greater Boston Area in a variety of ChemE fields. As the "Everything Bagel" of engineering, it was nice to get advice from professionals while also enjoying some great bagels!
Paint night
Our STEM Committee showed us how to make our own paint using flour and water. Creative juices were flowing and we may have discovered the next Picasso! It was also a hit with the K-12 crowd!

Alumni Mixer
We got to meet and hear the experiences of many Northeastern ChemE Alumni, each bringing a unique narrative of their journey post-graduation, highlighting the diverse paths and opportunities the field of chemical engineering has to offer.
University Mixer
We had a great night of networking and pasta art making with ChemE students from MIT and Tufts!
More photos coming soon!

Meeting Details
Date & Time: Mondays 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
If you are interested in learning more or becoming part of the
STEM Committee, please contact our STEM Chair at dariotis.m@northeastern.edu.
Click here to check out our 2020 AIChE National Conference qualifying video.
The STEM committee was developed within the Northeastern AIChE chapter to promote entering a STEM field to younger students in the surrounding community. The program is designed to incorporate activities and events for elementary school through high school students. It is important for developing individuals to be constantly reminded of the opportunities available to them. Our area of study is constantly developing, requiring bright young minds to stimulate its growth and innovations. Within the 2020-2021 term, the committee’s focus lies within developing and trialing accessible and replicable K-12 STEM activity modules that supplement school curriculum.
Through the STEM Committee, AIChE members have:
• Volunteered for Engineering Explorations and the Engineering for Everyone Expo, events hosted by the Northeastern University Center for STEM Education
• Traveled to the Jamaica Plains Boston Public library to demo experiments in coordination with STEMout, a Northeastern University STEM club
• Created virtual curriculum that qualified for the national AIChE conference, enabling committee members to present curriculum to judges and classes of students
• Participated in Splash yearly academic outreach programs, leading students through an activity with chemical engineering connections
ChemE Car

Meeting Details
Date & Time: Tuesdays, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: UO Lab (Mugar 100)
ChemE Car is a sub-group of AIChE that designs and builds a
miniature car powered and controlled by chemical reactions. We offer
students the opportunity to apply practical engineering skills in a
design project that culminates in a competition with other schools
around the nation. Throughout the year, the ChemE Car team explores
the design process from start to finish including: initial research
of chemical reactions, development and scale-up of those reactions,
and implementation into a final design.
ChemE Car is primarily composed of Chemical Engineering majors, but
there are ample opportunities for all types of engineering and STEM
majors to contribute. The team meets once a week during the
fall and spring semesters; however, weekly attendance is not
If you are interested in learning more or becoming part of the
ChemE Car team, please feel free to subscribe
to our mailing list, attend a meeting, or email either of our student
chemE Dialogue of civilizations
Sustainable Energy Dialogue to Brazil (Summer II 2024)
For more information, click here .
Applications due December 1st. For more questions, contact Courtney Pfluger (c.pfluger@northeastern.edu)
General Scholarships
Breanden Beneschott Grant for Chemical Engineers
The award is named the Breanden Beneschott Grant for Chemical Engineers. It was created to support ambitious students who will use the rigors of a Chemical Engineering education to achieve great things in whichever career path they choose. Students do not have to work as Chemical Engineers to be eligible, and all GPAs will be considered.
Click here for more information about the Breanden Beneschott Grant .
Northeastern Research Funding
The Project-Based Exploration for the Advancement of Knowledge (PEAK) Experiences Awards are a progressively structured sequence of opportunities designed to support learners as they continue climbing to new heights of achievement in undergraduate research and creative endeavor throughout their Northeastern journeys.
From the beginner surveying the landscape with a Campfire Chat or establishing a Base Camp, to those gaining experience while making the Ascent and Building Bridges, to those reaching the Summit, Blazing new Trails, and Shouting Out their successes, the PEAK Experiences Awards offer something for everyone.
Click here for more information about the PEAK Awards.
You can sign up for weekly newsletters from NU AIChE and/or ChemE Car
by simply clicking one or both of these buttons:
Alternatively, contact us directly by sending a message to: nuaiche@gmail.com,
or by filling out the form below: