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Libo Zhang

Name: Libo Zhang
Tel: (781) 420-7032



Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States

M.S., Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

B.S., Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China


Research Interests & Specialties:

Research interests include air pollution emission, atmospheric chemistry, air quality modeling, meteorology, climate change, hydrological modeling and wildland fire emission.

Research specialties include WRF, WRF/Chem model, HYSPLIT, WaSSI, SMOKE model and data processing (Matlab, R, NCL, Fortran, and ArcGIS). 


Research Experience:

Research Assistant, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. 2019-Present

Research Assistant, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China, 2012-2016


Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assistant: CIVE7278 Air quality modeling, Sep. 2024-Dec. 2024


Working Experience:

Counselor in Make Environment company, Beijing, China, 2017



Zhang L., K. Duan, Y. Zhang, G. Sun, & X. Liang, 2024. Impacts of Anthropogenic Emission Change Scenarios on U.S. Water and Carbon Balances at National and State Scales in a Changing Climate, Earth's future, accepted

Zhang L., Y. Liu & F. Zhao. 2018. Important meteorological variables for statistical long-term air quality prediction in eastern China. Theoretical and applied climatology, 134, 25-36.

Zhang L, Y. Liu, F. Zhao, 2018, Singular value decomposition analysis of spatial relationships between monthly weather and air pollution index in China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 32, 733.

Sang Y, L. Hao, M. Yan, L. Zhang, J. Wan, 2017, On spatiotemporal Distribution of Extreme Precipitation in Flood Season in Chuxiong. Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 42, 120-126. (in Chinese)

Zhang L, Y. Liu, L. Hao, 2016, Contributions of open crop straw burning emissions to PM2.5 concentrations in China. Environmental research letter, 11, 014014.

Liu Y, L. Zhang, L. Hao, G. Sun, S. Liu, 2016, Evapotranspiration and land surface process responses to afforestation in western Taiwan: A comparison between dry and wet weather conditions.Transactions of the ASABE, 59(2), 635-646.

Hao, L., G. Sun, Y. Liu, G. Zhou, J. Wan, L. Zhang., J. Niu, Y. Sang, J. He. 2016. Evapotranspiration and soil moisture dynamics in a temperate grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Transactions of the ASABE, 59(2), 577-590.

Shi T, X. Zheng, L. Zhang, H. Yang, H. Li, W. Li, Y. Gao, 2015, The influence of vegetation on soil thermal properties: a case study of broadleaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 35(12): 3970-3978. (in Chinese)

Shi T, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, Z. Gao, 2014, Burning in agricultural landscapes: an emerging natural and human issue in China. Landscape ecology, 29: 1785-1798.


Contributed Conference Presentations:

Poster presentation:Zhang L, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, X. Chen, D. Shuch, Y. Wang, K. Koehler, M. Zamora, D. Gentner, C. Buehler, M. Bell, Multiscale Air Quality Modeling Using WRF-Chem: Model Evaluation, Sensitivity and Chemical Feedback to Meteorology, CMAS conference, Oct 21-23, 2024, Chapel Hill, NC, USA .

Poster presentation:Yang, Y., L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, 2023, Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting: Impact of Emissions and Chemical Boundary Conditions, poster presentation at the AEESP 2023 Meeting, June 22, 2023, Boston, MA, USA.

Poster presentation:Zhang L., K. Duan, Y. Zhang, G. Sun and X. Liang, Ecohydrological Responses to Climate Change and Air Pollution Control in the United States, 103th AMS Annual Meeting at Session of Hydrology, January 8-10, 2023, Denver, CO, USA .

Oral presentation: Zhang L., Y. Liu, L. Hao, Open crop straw burning emissions to PM2.5 concentrations in China. The Youth Program of the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC), Oct.15 2015, Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Honors and Awards:

Fellowship, College of Engineering, Northeastern University, 2019-2020

Outstanding Graduate and excellent master thesis in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Travel Awards from the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC), Oct.15, 2015

Outstanding Performance Award in Graduate Forum in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology