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CASCADE Seminars
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Real-Time AQ Forecasting
EPA's ICAP Project
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Reasons for CASCADE Seminar Series



  1. To help prepare for conference presentations
  2. To help prepare for thesis dissertations
  3. To improve overall presentation skills
  4. To learn and practice how to ask questions properly
  5. To learn and practice how to address questions properly
  6. To find out what other members are researching
  7. To help presenters review his/her work and make sure they fully understand the materials he/she is presenting
  8. For constructive criticism to improve research and/or presentation
  9. To know the processes of group research
  10. To discuss hot topics in air quality forecasting
  11. To learn knowledge from others for possible collaboration
  12. To exchange information
  13. To get familiar with others
  14. To make future plans
  15. When collaborators come, it allows the group to get input and insight with a "real-world" opinion.
  16. It allows each presenter to work on his/her grammar and English skills.
  17. With international students they are able to work on their English, and with native students, they must work hard on terminology, the use of less slang to present their work and "Um's".
  18. The visual presentation aspect forces the presenter to focus on his/her attention to details. With the seminar time, we go through each slide, review it and critique it.
  19. It gives Dr. Zhang the opportunity to have group time with everyone and address the issues of our lab responsibilities, work ethics, research, and our presentation skills.
  20. The group members will be able to take the critiques and concerns of previous presenters and hopefully utilize the input to present an even better seminar for their time.