
Progressive Collapse Resistance Competition (PCRC)


Undeformed System Vertical Displacement = 2.5 in.
Pilot Test


The purpose of this competition is to provide undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals (engineers, architects and other professionals) an opportunity to learn about progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete structures. We hope that this will enhance contestants understanding about: collapse resistant mechanisms, modeling techniques for progressive collapse analyses, system level response of reinforced concrete structures, and importance of reinforcement detailing on dynamic load redistribution following initial failure.

Sample Questions

Will the system collapse?

Describe resisting mechanisms.

What will be the maximum vertical displacement?

At what vertical displacement the first reinforcing bar will fracture, if any?

Evaluation Process

Using the guideline provided (see Rules and Grading Rubric), a panel of experts will select the winners. The identities of contestants will not be provided to the panel.

Privacy Policy

The identities of contestants will not be disclosed without their explicit approval.


Level 1: 1st Place: $5000; 2nd Place: $2000; 3rd Place: $1000

Level 2: 1st Place: $8000; 2nd Place: $4000; 3rd Place: $2000

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