353 Items found

May 02, 2013

Family’s health scare helps student find calling

When he was just 7 years old, grad­u­ating senior Kendall Sanderson’s mother was diag­nosed with breast cancer. The tumor needed to be removed with emer­gency surgery, according to her son, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 26, 2013

Co-​​op student charts new course at computer giant

As com­puting giant IBM has grown, it has expanded dra­mat­i­cally in places around the globe. But in coun­tries like the Philip­pines, the com­pany grew so quickly that some of its key cor­po­rate […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 11, 2013

Congratulations Kendall Sanderson

Kendall Sanderson, a senior Industrial Engineering student was selected to receive Northeastern’s 2013 Outstanding Co-op Education award for his work in the healthcare profession. In 1971, the University established the Cooperative […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 12, 2012

Beating cancer, one nanoparticle at a time

Small wonder that Sean Burns, E’13, spends 10 hours a day in a med­ical oncology lab­o­ra­tory at the Dana-​​Farber Cancer Insti­tute, devel­oping and improving nanopar­ticle screening methods for testing the […]

Chemical Engineering

Mar 29, 2012

Congratulations Lauren Gianino!!

Lauren Gianino (ChE ’12) is a recipient of the Harold Hodgkinson Award in recognition of scholastic achievement, leadership, coop, and service in voluntary organizations and activities. This is one of the highest honors that a senior at Northeastern can receive.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Sep 28, 2011

Creative Engineering

Using engineering design principles while on coop in Paris, CIV senior Chris Nasif designed a steel reinforcement system that allow buildings to be more earthquake resistant.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 30, 2010

A Dream Come True

ECE Senior Timur Starobinets was able to use his coop experiences to land his dream job at SpaceX, a company missioned to become the first private company to launch a mid-to-heavy lift rocket into space.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 05, 2009

Getting the Most out of the Coop Experience

Sean Mayo, a 2009 graduate of ECE, using the experiences he gained from the classroom and coop, has landed himself a dream job at Apple. He already has several patents from working there on his last coop. Sean was recently awarded the William Jefferson Alcott Award for his outstanding performances.

Electrical & Computer Engineering