Jul 27, 2009
Jung Awarded $200K NSF Grant
Assistant Professor Yung Joon Jung, of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, has been awarded a 3-year grant from NSF to develop a new class of hybrid composite structures based on highly organized SWNT architectures and polymer materials, for high performance functional flexible systems.
Jul 23, 2009
Prof Erdogmus Receives Second Grant
Denis Erdogmus, an ECE Assistant Professor, has received a $500K NSF grant to develop a brain interface controlled icon-based language generation system that aims to increase speed of communication for persons with severe disabilities. He recently received a $695K grant from NIH.

Jul 20, 2009
Solving Real Problems with Real Solutions
Professor Michael Silevitch spoke at the recent Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology workshop about the importance of working out real-world problems with the people that are striving to solve these issues.
Jul 14, 2009
Touran Elected Secretary of Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section
Ali Touran, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was featured by the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section, BSCES News, for his long and distinguished career and now most recently for his election as Secretary of BSCES.
Jul 10, 2009
Caracoglia Wins a NSF CAREER Award
Luca Caracoglia, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has won a CAREER award, the NSF's most prestigious award for junior faculty, to determine wind hazards on tall buildings.

Jul 07, 2009
NEHCEP is Newest Engineering Center
The New England Healthcare Engineering Partnership (NEHCEP), led by MIE professor James Benneyan, will use engineering methods to improve the VA health care system to provide better overall care.

Jul 01, 2009
New Energy Systems Master's Degree
Starting in the fall, the College of Engineering will offer a new degree for a Masters of Science in Energy Systems. This program integrates the technology side of energy systems development with the financial planning needed to effectively implement them.
Jun 29, 2009
Prof Erdogmus receives $695K grant
Deniz Erdogmus, an ECE Assistant Professor, has received a 5-yr grant from NIH, to design a noninvasive brain computer interface to help patients with locked-in syndrome (LIS) by detecting their responses to rapid serial visual presentations.