
Mar 23, 2009
Making the World a Little Greener
Matilda Urie, a senior mechanical engineering student, was been hired by a Scotland firm to "help develop clean, energy-producing turbines—it’s the right thing to do to preserve our planet."
Mar 20, 2009
MCAA wins 1st place in national competition
Congratulations to the Mechanical Contractor Association of America's student group for winning 1st place in the national MCAA's 2008-2009 student chapter competition.
Mar 17, 2009
Nutrons Mentor Local High School Students for FIRST Robotics Competition
The NUTRON'S "Ask an Engineer" program assists teams with engineering questions. Volunteers in the program include: Kyle Henry: Senior, Josh Miranda: Grad Student, Neil Cameron: Middler, Steve Guerrera: Alum, Zach Shapiro: Alum, Amy Sauger: Sophomore, Andrew Bates: Freshman, Kim Masi: Sophomore, Corey Balint: Sophomore, Eric Williams: Sophomore, Tom Bottiglieri: Middler, Antonio Rufo: Catholic Memorial Senior, Matt Skillin: Wentworth (former Boston Latin student), Don Goldthwaite: Advisor
Mar 17, 2009
COE Alum named CEO of Vertis Communications
Quincy L. Allen, a '82 graduate with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, and longtime executive of Xerox Corporation, has been appointed chief executive officer of Vertis Communications.
Mar 11, 2009
George Kent receives Outstanding Coop Coordinator Award
Congratulations to George Kent for receiving the 2009 Outstanding Coop Coordinator Award which will be presented to him at a ceremony on April 2, 2009. Only two individuals from the university are choosen for this award each year.
Mar 10, 2009
Polyimide Ripples Created with Focused Ion Beam
Professor Ashkan Vaziri, an assitant professor in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, working with a team of scientists from three other universities, has been able to create specific nanoscale designs on the surface structure of polyimide by using focused ion beam (FIB) irradiation.
Feb 26, 2009
Busnaina's nanotechnology research to help improve manufacturing
Ahmed Busnaina, William Lincoln Smith Professor and director of the Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN), is investigating ways of manufacturing materials which will allow structures and patterns down to 20nm or smaller using room-temperature and non-vacuum processes.
Feb 20, 2009
Northeastern to co-lead workshop on Advanced Magnetic Materials and their Applications with India
Laura H Lewis, Cabot Professor and chair of Chemical Engineering, Vincent G. Harris, William Lincoln Smith Chair and director of the CM3IC, and research scientist Dr. C.N. Chinnasamy, will co-lead a joint Indo-US “Conference on New Directions and Novel Applications in Magnetism” at the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IITB), March 1 – 4, 2009.