ECE Professor Edmund Yeh Receives Grants for 5G Wireless Research
ECE Professor Edmund Yeh has recently received research grants from Cisco Systems and Intel Corp, totaling $258K, for research focused on optimizing and securing 5G wireless edge networks. The projects will be carried out in collaboration with researchers from Stanford University and the University of California at Irvine.
Cisco Grant:
Title: Addressing Mobility/Caching and Security/Privacy Challenges in Wireless/Mobile Edge Content-Centric Networks
PIs: Edmund Yeh (Northeastern Univ) and Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine)
The United States is about to usher in a revolutionary wireless landscape for fifth generation (5G) technologies promising to enable a new set of applications with ultra-low information response times as well as very large-scale deployments. Concurrent with the development of 5G wireless technologies, there has been a significant effort over the last few years in developing revolutionary information- and content-centric networking (ICN/CCN) architectures which aim to replace the traditional client-server communication paradigm with one focused on data or content. This project will develop ICN-based algorithms and protocols for the wireless/mobile edge, in order to bring the 5G vision closer to reality. Specifically, it focuses on mobility management and caching optimization algorithms, as well as security and privacy enhancements for ICN-based wireless edge networks. Both PIs have extensive experience with the design of ICN-based network architectures and protocols, as well as with the optimization of wireless networking protocols, and are highly qualified to lead the proposed project.
Intel Grant:
Title: Joint Optimization of Routing and Caching in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks
PIs: Edmund Yeh (Northeastern Univ) and Andrea Goldsmith (Stanford Univ)
As wireless heterogeneous networks (HetNets) incorporating small cells (SCs) and device-to-device (D2D) communication become ever more prevalent, there remains the fundamental challenge of optimally utilizing both the bandwidth and storage resources of the HetNet to reduce latency and energy costs. The project will provide a comprehensive study on optimal caching and routing for arbitrary multi-hop wireless heterogeneous networks (HetNets) with D2D users, small cells (SCs), macrocells (MCs), and backhaul connection costs. For a given HetNet topology, wireless transmission technology, set of content objects, and set of storage capacities, we will find the optimal joint caching and request routing algorithms to minimize link costs, while explicitly taking into account interference among wireless links. The link costs in our optimization will include energy costs as well as congestion-dependent latency costs. While the emphasis is on developing distributed, adaptive, and scalable algorithms, it will also study the relative advantages and disadvantages of centralization and partial centralization, as enabled by Cloud-RAN and edge cloud architectures. The research has significant relevance and impact for Internet of Things (IoT), mobile edge computing, fog computing, as well as applications such autonomous driving and smart cities.