Prof Busnaina participates in an International Assessment of Research in Nanomodular Materials and Systems by Design

The World Technology Evaluation Center has issued a Panel Report: International Assessment of Research in Nanomodular Materials and Systems by Design.  Funded by the US National Science Foundation, this report assesses the position of U.S. R&D relative to that of leading organizations abroad and identified opportunities for international collaborations. 

The Nanomodular Materials and Systems by Design (NMSD) study focused on two- and three-dimensional composite nanomaterials, nanodevices, and nanomodular systems, specifically with a view to assembling them into practical applications.  To prepare the study and report, a delegation of U.S. experts traveled to ten countries in Asia and Europe to visit premier laboratories and to meet with regional experts.  As part of their research, the delegation noted that large investments have been made by governments in Asia and Europe, and stated that ongoing investment from the federal level in the United States would have value in encouraging growth in this emerging sector.

Prof. Ahmed Busmaina, Director of Northeastern’s NSF Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing, was one of the seven experts to participate in this global study. He was the author of Chapter 3: Scalable Nanomodular and Nanosystems Manufacturing, and co-author of Chapter 5: Nanomaterial-based Sensors and Energy Storage.  He was also co-author of the concluding Chapter: Future Prospects for Nanomodular Materials and Systems by Design.

The full report is available online in PDF format:




Related Faculty: Ahmed Busnaina

Related Departments:Mechanical & Industrial Engineering