ChemE Students Honored at Co-Op Awards

We are very proud of Emily Spence representing the College of Engineering as an award recipient at this year's Northeastern University 45th Annual Outstanding Cooperative Education Awards. Co-​​​​op is the signature program of Northeastern’s experiential education model. The event was hosted by Maria Stein, Associate Vice President of Cooperative Education and Career Development.
At the 3rd Annual COE Co-op Awards Luncheon, ChemE students Chris Puzzo and Catherine Reiter were award winners. The COE Co-op Awards are presented to students who were selected by co-op faculty in recognition of their professional development and achievements resulting from their co-op experiences. Chris Puzzo completed co-ops at Sappi North America, Rhodes Technologies, and 24M Technologies. Catherine Reiter completed a co-op abroad at Roche Diagnostics GmbH as well as two domestic co-ops at HH Technology and Teleflex.
We wish Emily, Chris, and Catherine the best of luck as they step into the next phase of their professional careers.