Message from the Dean
Dear Friend,

Gregory D. Abowd, D.Phil.
Dean of the College of Engineering
Northeastern University
We live in a complex world, increasingly connected and with technical, political, and social challenges that are daunting to consider. No solution relies solely on an engineering perspective, but every solution benefits from the influence of engineering. More than ever, engineering is needed to advance society in harmony with other disciplinary perspectives.
Northeastern’s College of Engineering is an ideal environment to bridge engineering with society. For more than a century, interdisciplinary collaboration and engagement with the real world have been our guiding principles. The College is embedded in a university environment of nimble ambition, where students and faculty eagerly pursue collaborations that are problem-centered, not disciplinary-centered.
Our faculty push beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries to explore and create new areas of study. Their state-of-art-research looks at critical issues in materials, processes, systems, infrastructure, hardware and software at every scale—nano to macro to global—grounded in a translational approach that integrates the values of fundamental and applied research to meet societal needs.
Our students develop as innovators and leaders through Northeastern’s distinctive model of experiential learning, anchored by our world-leading cooperative education program and augmented by novel initiatives in innovation, entrepreneurship, business/management, international opportunities, and a multitude of award-winning student clubs. The combination of challenging classroom study in a wide variety of academic programs with opportunities for professional practice, innovative projects and research ensures that we are preparing the next generation of engineers to keep pace with today’s fast-changing technological advances and global demands.
We are a strong and enterprising worldwide community of students, faculty, alumni, and partners, both professional and academic. I invite you to learn more about our transformative engineering programs and the many opportunities that the college provides. Please join us on this journey.
Gregory D. Abowd