Dagmar Sternad investigating a robotic arm

Faculty Hiring

Northeastern’s College of Engineering is in a period of dynamic growth. We are hiring several tenured and tenure-track positions at the assistant, associate, and full professor levels aligned with one or more interdisciplinary research themes.

Research themes include: Climate; Food, Water, Energy Nexus; Mechanobiology and synthetic biology; Plant Science, Human interface, and Manufacturing; Quantum Materials and Sensors; and Sustainability and Resilience.

In addition, we have faculty positions on network campuses including Oakland, California and Portland, Maine, and under Northeastern University Impact Engine – iSUPER.

Open Tenure or Tenure-Track Faculty Searches within Engineering

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

  • Professor & Chair, the Chair will provide vision to direct the hiring of faculty, the nurturing of research foci, and the development of educational curricula.

Roux Institute

Research Faculty Positions

Teaching Faculty Positions

Co-op Faculty Positions

Faculty & Staff Positions

Please click on the link below to review all open faculty and staff positions within the College of Engineering.