Gouldstone and Jaeger Awarded $293K Grant
My name is Andrew Gouldstone. I was born in Smithtown, NY in June 1975, the first of my entire English family tree to be born in the USA. I am the 2nd oldest of four brothers. The other three are all way smarter than I am. In 1992 I left NY, as did the rest of my family – and I began my education in earnest.
I received both my B.S. and Ph.D. from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) at MIT, in 1996 and 2001, respectively. My Ph.D. advisor was Professor Subra Suresh, now the Dean of Engineering at MIT. The topic of my dissertation was mechanical behavior of small volume structures, for thin film and patterned line applications. I also worked in nanoindentation experiments, and experimental atomic simulations using bubble rafts.
In Feb 2001, I looked for something new to research, and found it in the Physiology Program at the Harvard School of Public Health. There, I worked as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow on lubrication between the lung and chest wall during breathing. It was during this time that my interest in macroscopic, physiologically relevant mechanics began to develop.
In June 2003 I joined the faculty of The State University of New York at Stony Brook, in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. I had a joint appointment with the Center for Thermal Spray Research. I made the simple decision to join the faculty there while on a research trip to GE in Schenectady, NY. There, I worked on mechanics of heterogeneous, multilayered systems, with special focus on Thermal Spray Coatings, and developed my current program in Lung Mechanics. Homesick for Boston and seeking new opportunities, I left Stony Brook in December 2007.
As of January 2008, I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University. My current interests include Mechanics of Heterogeneous Systems, Industrially Relevant Fundamental Mechanics of Thermal Sprayed Coatings, Respiratory (Lung) Mechanics and of course, Indentation Across Size Scales and Disciplines, the topic of my 2005 NSF CAREER Award. I am also de veloping programs in mechanics and detection of child abuse, and educational outreach such as Bringing Education and Lifelong Learning to Adults (BELLA).
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