Herrero Publishes Book on ‘Fundamentals of IoT Communication Technologies’

Rolando Herrero, program director of the master’s programs in cyber-physical systems and telecommunication networks, published a book on “Fundamentals of IoT Communication Technologies.”

This textbook explores the protocols and technologies essential to IoT communication mechanisms. Geared towards an upper-undergraduate or graduate level class, the book is presented from a perspective of the standard layered architecture with special focus on protocol interaction and functionality. The IoT protocols are presented and classified based on physical, link, network, transport, and session/application layer functionality. The author also lets readers understand the impact of the IoT mechanisms on network and device performance with special emphasis on power consumption and computational complexity. Use cases, which are provided throughout the book, provide examples of IoT protocol stacks in action. The book is based on Herrero’s popular class “Fundamentals of IoT” and it includes examples throughout and slides for classroom use. Also included is a hands-on section where the topics discussed as theoretical content are built as stacks in the context of an IoT network emulator enabling readers can experiment.

Related Faculty: Rolando Herrero

Related Departments:Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)