On July 20th Dr. Carol Livermore’s Micropower and Nanoengineering Laboratory was visited by Dr. Garie Fordyce, Program Manager for the Emerging Frontiers and Multidisciplinary Activities (EFRI) Program at the National Science Foundation. Dr. Fordyce spent time talking directly with Young Scholars (Megi Maci and Camilo Gonzalez), REU’s (James Carroll and Gabriel Fernandez) and RET’s (Diana Cost and Joshua Miranda) conducting research in her laboratory this summer.
Dr. Livermore received a supplement to her EFRI Award #1332249, ODISSEI: Origami and Assembly Techniques for Human-Tissue-Engineering (OATH) providing these six participants the opportunity engage directly in this research.
The overall research objective of this project is to create assembly- and origami-based techniques for the generation of fully three-dimensional living tissues that are structured like natural tissues and include effective vascular networks.
Participants are being further supported through program efforts from The Center for STEM Education such as daily homeroom sessions, weekly technical seminars, weekly field trips, and constant support from dedicated staff. This support gives the participants exposure to a variety of STEM subjects and their real life applications.
The following is an article by Andrea Timpano further explaining the work that is done inDr. Livermore’s lab and a video showcasing the Miura fold they use in the research.