Prof. Marengo named 2008 most distinguished alumnus

Prof. Edwin Marengo was named the 2008 most distinguished alumnus of the Technological University of Panama in the category of research, innovation, and technological development. The university grants five awards to the most distinguished alumni of the year, in five different categories.
Edwin A. Marengo received the Bachelor’s degree in Electromechanical Engineering (Valedictorian and Summa Cum Laude) from the Technological University of Panama, Panama City, in 1990, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, in 1994 and 1997, respectively. His Ph.D. dissertation, titled A New Theory for Analysis and Synthesis of Time-dependent Scalar and Electromagnetic Sources and Fields, was supervised by Professor Anthony Devaney. From 1997 to 2004 he did post-doctoral work at Northeastern University (2 postdocs), the University of Arizona (2 postdocs), the Technological University of Panama (1 postdoc), and Arizona State University (1 postdoc), covering a broad spectrum of topics in electrical engineering, physics and mathematics. Since 2004 he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University where he is an Associate Professor. His research focuses on theoretical and computational aspects of electromagnetic imaging, and wave-based signal processing and information theory. Dr. Marengo is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, a member of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) (elected into Commission B: Fields and Waves, in 2006), a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the Optical Society of America, as well as a member of the Honor Societies of Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi. He is the author/coauthor of over a hundred scientific publications, and has been an invited speaker at many conferences and universities in the USA, Panama, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden, Finland, and Chile. He has been a Fulbright scholar sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and is a recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award.