Wang Receives SRC Grant

ECE Assistant Professor Yanzhi Wang, together with collaborators at Syracuse University, received a $280K grant from SRC (Semiconductor Research Corporation), entitled “Reliable Perception and Control for UAV Navigation in 3D Space”.
A brief description of the project is as follows:
In our NSF project “Enabling Multimodal Sensing, Real-time Onboard Detection and Adaptive Control for Fully Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems”, a deep reinforcement learning framework was developed and optimized for UAV navigation in a known indoor 3D space. It is assumed that the UAV has perfect prior knowledge of the obstacles, and has accurate observation of its relative position to the obstacles and its own flight status. Based on the existing framework, in this project, we propose to study UAV navigation with imperfect environment knowledge and unreliable sensor readings by exploring the redundancy in the multimodal sensing, and address the challenge of high computing complexity caused by the increased redundancy. Detailed tasks include navigation with estimated/corrected sensor information, constructing an internal knowledge map of the environment and crosschecking with sensor readings, developing detection algorithms for abnormal sensor readings, and low-cost, high-performance and energy-efficient implementation of these algorithms.