Francis Loth

Professor,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Professor,  Bioengineering



  • 257 SN
  • 617.373.8232

Research Focus

Biological flows, experimental fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, blood flow simulation, cerebrospinal fluid simulation, Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, medical image processing, magnetic resonance imaging


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993

Research Overview

Biological flows, experimental fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, blood flow simulation, cerebrospinal fluid simulation, Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, medical image processing, magnetic resonance imaging

Research Centers and Institutes

Selected Publications

  • Bishop PD, Fultz T, Smith L, Klatte RS, Loth F, Lyden SP. “An Initial Effort to Create a Superficial Femoral Artery Ultrasound Phantom Using 3-Dimensional Printing,” Journal for Vascular Ultrasound. 2020;44(2):69-73. doi:10.1177/1544316720911490.
  • Nwotchouang BST, Eppelheimer MS, Ibrahimy A, Houston JR, Biswas D, Labuda R, Bapuraj JR, Allen PA, Frim D, Loth F. “Clivus length distinguishes between asymptomatic healthy controls and symptomatic adult women with Chiari malformation type I” Neuroradiology. 2020 Nov;62(11):1389-1400. doi: 10.1007/s00234-020-02453-5. Epub 2020 May 16. PMID: 32418026.
  • Houston JR, Hughes ML, Bennett IJ, Allen PA, Rogers JM, Lien MC, Stoltz H, Sakaie K, Loth F, Maleki J, Vorster SJ, Luciano MG. “Evidence of Neural Microstructure Abnormalities in Type I Chiari Malformation: Associations Among Fiber Tract Integrity, Pain, and Cognitive Dysfunction” Pain Med. 2020 Oct 1;21(10):2323-2335. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa094.PMID: 32388548.
  • Gorelick NL, Serra R, Iyer R, Um R, Grewal A, Monroe A, Antoine H, Beharry K, Cecia A, Kroll F, Ishida W, Perdomo-Pantoja A, Xu R, Loth F, Ye X, Suk I, Tyler B, Bayston R, Luciano MG. “Evaluating the Effects of Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Content on the Performance of Differential Pressure Valves and Antisiphon Devices Using a Novel Benchtop Shunting Model” Neurosurgery. 2020 Oct 15;87(5):1046-1054. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa203. PMID: 32521017.
  • Luciano MG, Dombrowski SM, El-Khoury S, Yang J, Thyagaraj S, Qvarlander S, Khalid S, Suk I, Manbachi A, Loth F. “Epidural Oscillating Cardiac-Gated Intracranial Implant Modulates Cerebral Blood Flow” Neurosurgery. 2020 Jun 13;87(6):1299-310. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa188. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32533835
Francisco Loth


Jan 03, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Francisco Loth

Francisco Loth joins the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department in January 2022 as a Professor with a joint appointment in Bioengineering.

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