Northeastern SMART Center

Northeastern SMART Center is a newly launched university research center that, in collaboration with federal agencies and industrial members, aims to conceive and pilot disruptive technological innovation in smart devices and systems to make everyday life safer, easier and more efficient.

Northeastern SMART fosters partnership between university, industry and government stakeholders to create new generations of smart devices and systems that are required by a number of industries including the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Digital Agriculture, Robotics and Healthcare.

Demonstration of Near Zero Power MEMS Photoswitches for large-scale IoT applications

For more information contact:

Matteo Rinaldi
Professor,  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director,  Institute for NanoSystems Innovation

Understanding and exploiting the fundamental properties of micro/nanomechanical structures and advanced nanomaterials to engineer new classes of micro and nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS) with unique and enabling features applied to the areas of chemical, physical and biological sensing and low power reconfigurable radio communication systems

Recent News

New Institute for NanoSystems Innovation in Boston and Oakland

The Institute for NanoSystems Innovation, a first-of-its-kind research institute located on both U.S. coasts, is developing nano-scale technologies to drive innovation and miniaturization of chip-level technology advancements and applications. ECE Professor Matteo Rinaldi is the institute’s director and ECE Professor David Horsley is deputy director. 

ECE PhD Student Awarded National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship

PhD student Jack Guida, electrical engineering, advised by Assistant Professor Siddharta Ghosh, was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship. He is researching microscale acoustics and integrated photonics as part of the Northeastern SMART research center.