Caracoglia Granted Two Concurrent Habilitations as a Full Professor by the Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research

CEE Associate Professor Luca Caracoglia was granted two concurrent Full Professor Habilitations (accreditations) by the Italian Ministry of Public Instruction, University and Research (MIUR). The first one is for the Scientific Discipline ICAR 08/B3, Civil Engineering/Structural Design (“Tecnica delle Costruzioni”). The second one is for the Scientific Discipline ICAR 08/B2, Civil Engineering/Structural Mechanics (“Scienza delle Costruzioni”). These are two separate subject disciplines of Civil/Structural Engineering in European/Italian Academia.

This is an Italian nationwide accreditation (habilitation) that is valid by law for six years from the date of publication on the official website of the ministry. Two independent evaluation committees, appointed by the MIUR, determined his status by examining two sets of academic records with distinct features (record 1 and record 2). His status will have an immediate effect and will last for six years until 2025. Regulations are dictated by the Directorial Decree (“Decreto Direttoriale”) 2175/2018. The details and the results of the habilitation process are publicly available and may be found here.

This is an extremely rare and prestigious achievement, as it is almost impossible for any candidate to have more than one habilitation across all university disciplines.

Related Faculty: Luca Caracoglia

Related Departments:Civil & Environmental Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering