Sears B. Condit Award Winners

Congratulations to the 14 engineering seniors who won the Condit Award which is awarded to the top 100 graduating seniors with the highest qpa and who have at least 60 SH at NU.

ColinIdaIndustrial Engineering
MatthewGamacheMechanical Engineering
TusharSwamyElectrical Engr/Physics
JustinReiterME-Thermofluids (BS/MS)
JanetYunCivil Engineering
SaadAlkridisIndustrial Engineering
ChristopherCalecaChemical Engineering (BS/MS)
TaylorTobinMechanical Engineering
ConnorMancoskyCivil Engineering
AndreaWhalenCivil Engineering
RobertDyeCivil Engineering
BaderAltaweelIndustrial Engineering
KaylaArrudaCivil Engineering
NicholasRuppeltMechanical Engineering