Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education

The Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education seeks to build and support a community of educators, researchers, and students with the collective goal of strengthening the K-20 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) educational ecosystem.

The Center’s vision to:

  • Build, support and sustain a community of individual, institutional and organizational support in STEM engagement, enrichment and persistence.
  • Impact advancement in STEM education through expanded collaboration, mentoring and training to increase access and diversity in STEM.
  • Increase student involvement with STEM subjects and careers by designing, implementing and supporting academic and extracurricular programs in STEM fields.
The sky is the limit! Local elementary school students attending a field trip offered by the Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education wrap up the day on campus in Boston launching their rockets.
“The more young people we can reach, and the more moments of discovery we can create, the greater the chances that a future STEM professional will find his or her place in the world.” Claire Duggan, executive director, Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education

Center Initiatives

STEM Field Trips are offered throughout the academic year for upper elementary and middle school students. Teachers bring their students to Northeastern’s campus for a day of STEM lessons and activities, hosted by the Center. Assisted by our undergraduate and graduate students, these offerings provide an early college experience and engineering exploration. Approximately 1500 students annually spend a full day on our campus supported by a cohort of 90+ undergraduate students.

NUTRONS seeks to inspire young people to be leaders by engaging them in mentor-based learning experiences that build STEM skills and inspire innovation and self-confidence. NUTRON high school students mentor and train 40 Lego Robotics Teams , 3 Middle School Teams, and have given technical seminars to help over 80 high school teams in New England.

NUSS, the Northeastern University Summer STEM program, is a two-week academic day program that takes an active role in shaping STEM education in students entering grades 6, 7 and 8. It seeks to improve students’ mathematics/science skills, introduce them to college life, and stimulate their interest in science and engineering as potential career paths.


The Young Scholars Program offers future scientists and engineers a unique opportunity for a hands-on, research experience for six weeks during the summer while still in high school. The program is open to Boston area applicants who have completed either their sophomore or junior year of high school.

The grant funded NSF REU:Pathways program provides community college students with a 10-week paid research experience working with professors across the College of Engineering. The program, which is non-residential, takes place on the Boston Northeastern campus during the summer.

Exploring Silevitch’s Northeastern Legacy

For more than 40 years, Michael B. Silevitch, Robert D. Black ECE Distinguished Professor, has had a profound impact at Northeastern as an innovative leader of several groundbreaking initiatives such as SENTRY and ALERT, and as an inspiration to faculty, students, alumni, and members of industry.

Goldwater Scholar Shares Her Research Experiences

Kaitlyn Ramesh, E’25, bioengineering, received the prestigious 2024 Barry Goldwater Scholarship for her undergraduate research in the Lu Lab and the Prigozhin Lab. She is involved with the Women’s Research Engagement Network and received other awards such as the AJC Merit Research Scholarship.