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Xuanyi Zhao’s PhD Proposal Review
November 28, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
“AlN/AlScN based Micro Acoustic Metamaterials for Radio Frequency Applications of the Next Generations”
In the last two decades‚ micro-acoustic resonators (μARs) have played a key role in integrated 1G-to-4G radios‚ providing the technological means to achieve compact radio frequency (RF) filters with low loss and moderate fractional bandwidths (BW<4%). More specifically‚ Aluminum Nitride (AlN) based filters have populated the front-end of most commercial mobile transceivers due to the good dielectric‚ piezoelectric and thermal properties exhibited by AlN thin-films and because their fabrication process is compatible with the one used for any Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs). Nevertheless‚ the rapid growth of 5G and the abrupt technological leap expected with the development of sixth-generation (6G) communication systems are expected to severely complicate the design of future radio front-ends by demanding Super-High-Frequency (SHF) filtering components with much larger fractional bandwidths than achievable today. In the meantime, as more acoustic filters replying on bulk waves which requests the devices to be physically-suspended to operate, thermal related nonlinearity has been a challenge which requests new designs to enhance the thermal linearity thus power handling for these acoustic components. Even more‚ the recent invention of on-chip nonreciprocal components‚ like the circulators and isolators recently built in slightly different CMOS technologies‚ has provided concrete means to double the spectral efficiency of current radios by enabling the adoption of full-duplex communication schemes. Nevertheless‚ for such schemes to be really usable in wireless systems‚ self-interference cancellation networks including wideband‚ low-loss and large group delay lines are needed. Yet‚ the current on-chip delay lines that are also manufacturable through CMOS processes‚ which rely on the piezoelectric excitation of Surface Acoustic Waves (SAWs) or Lamb Waves in piezoelectric thin films‚ have their bandwidth and insertion-loss severely limited by the relatively low electromechanical coupling coefficient exhibited by their input and output transducers. As a results‚ these components are hardly usable to form any desired self-interference cancelation networks. In order to overcome these challenges‚ only recently‚ new classes of microacoustic resonators and delay lines exploiting the high piezoelectric coefficient of Aluminum Scandium Nitride (AlScN) thin films and the exotic dispersive features of acoustic metamaterials (AMs) have been emerging. These devices rely on forests of locally resonant piezoelectric rods to generate unique modal distributions‚ as well as unconventional wave propagation features that cannot be found in conventional SAW and Lamb wave counterparts. In this presentation‚ the design‚ fabrication and performance of the first microacoustic metamaterials (μAMs) based resonators and delay lines will be showcased. Moreover, AMs based reflectors are invented and demonstrated providing new improving the linearity and power handling of the AlScN μARs. In addition to reviewing the current status of our work, we will propose several further explorations of using our AlN/AlScN based AMs in RF applications of the next generations.
Prof. Cristian Cassella (advisor)
Prof. Matteo Rinaldi
Dr. Jeronimo Segovia-Fernandez