Related News for Vinod Sahney

Doctor looking at body scan

Improving the National Healthcare Model

MIE Professor Vinod Sahney believes that presidential candidates should look at the healthcare model that Massachusetts has developed in order to reshape the system at a national level.

Sahney Selected to National Committee on Affordable Drug Access

University Distinguished MIE Professor Vinod Sahney appointed to select national committee on "Ensuring Patient Access to Afford­able Drug Ther­a­pies".

Honoring Contributions

MIE Professors James Benneyan & Vinod Sahney are 2 of the 10 people that will be honored at the 2013 Society of Health Systems conference for their significant contributions to the society and healthcare IE profession. Northeastern University’s Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSyE) program is a university-level Institute that has focused on improving healthcare efficiency, quality, […]

Correcting Healthcare

MIE Professor Vinod Sahney uses systems engineering principles to redesign the healthcare system to improve treatment, patient safety and quality of care.