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Kostas Research Institute Receives $13M U.S. Army Contract for Wireless Research
The Kostas Research Institute (KRI) at Northeastern University has been awarded $13 million by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory for foundational research into Cognitive Distributed Sensing in Congested Radio Frequency Environments. KRI and five partner institutions will conduct innovative research to enable technologies in distributed machine learning, signal processing algorithms, and computational, sensing, and communication hardware infrastructure for distributed sensing and communication.
Summer 2023 PEAK Experiences Awards for Undergrad Research
Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of the Summer 2023 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.
New Faculty Spotlight: David Rosen
David Rosen joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering department in August 2021 as an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in Mathematics.