Related News for Mehdi Abedi

Northeastern Nominates 6 COE Students for Prestigious Knight-Hennessy Scholarship

Alex Bender, E’20, MS’20, Matthew Coughlin, E’25, Maya De Los Santos, E’25, Jose Meza Llamosas, E’25, Dominic Pizzarella, E’25, and Daniel Sneyers Pont, E’21, MS’21, were six of eight nominated by Northeastern for the Knight-Hennessy Scholarship, which develops a community of future global leaders to address complex challenges through collaboration and innovation.

2024 URF Scholars Recipients

Several engineering students received 2024 URF Scholars Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. URF Scholars are students who are graduating this year and who have earned a PEAK Experiences Award, applied for a distinguished fellowship, or participated in graduate school advising.

Early Start on a PhD Path in Mechanical Engineering

Abraham LeMole, E’23, PhD’28, mechanical engineering, starts on a PhD path under the guidance of Mehdi Abedi, MIE associate teaching professor. Two co-ops in the mechanical engineering industry helped LeMole decide to advance his education with a focus on research.

Fall 2023 PEAK Experiences Awardees for Undergrad Research

Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Fall 2023 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.

Revolutionizing the Future of Transportation

Students from Northeastern University and 5 other universities have formed the OpenLoop team hoping to win the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition created by bil­lion­aire entre­pre­neur Elon Musk. Source: News @ […]