Related News for Qi “Ryan” Wang

Faculty and Staff Awards 2025

Faculty and staff were recognized at the 27th Annual College of Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards for their exceptional service and dedication in support of students, the COE community, and the university during the 2024-2025 academic year.

$1.6M NSF Award for Creating Inclusive Cities Through Technology

CEE Associate Professor Qi “Ryan” Wang and ECE Associate Professor Yanzhi Wang, in collaboration with the University of Florida and the University of Virginia, received a $1.6 million NSF grant for “Strengthening Elderly Mobility in Urban Landscapes: Towards Age-Inclusive and Equitable Communities.”

Impact Engines Spur Multidisciplinary Research Innovation To Solve Global Challenges

Northeastern University has selected its first cohort of Impact Engines to ignite measurable change in problem-solving, three of the five of which are led by engineering faculty.

Qi “Ryan” Wang

Research Team Uses Math To Help Allocate Resources During Natural Disasters

CEE Associate Professor Qi Ryan Wang was featured in the EastMojo article “Research Team Uses Math To Help Allocate Resources During Natural Disasters.”

Qi Wang and Kelsey Pieper

Ensuring Safe Supply to Drinking Water

CEE Associate Professor Ryan Qi Wang, Assistant Professor Kelsey Pieper, and CSSH Professor Daniel Aldrich, in collaboration with the University of Virginia, are leading a $750k NSF grant for “Dynamical Coupling of Physical and Social Infrastructures: Evaluating the Impacts of Social Capital on Access to Safe Well Water.”

Determining Human Movements After Large Scale Events

CEE Associate Professor Ryan Qi Wang, in collaboration with researchers from RPI and Columbia University, published the paper “A spatiotemporal decay model of human mobility when facing large-scale crises” in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Line of travelers.

Expect a Busy Thanksgiving Travel Week

CEE Assistant Professor Qi “Ryan” Wang has been studying mobility models to see how people move and predicts that travel during the Thanksgiving break will be that similar to pre-pandemic levels.

Qi Wang, Yanzhi Wang, and Amy Mueller

$1.5M NSF Award for Real-Time Mobile Air Quality Monitoring and Intervention

CEE Assistant Professor Qi Ryan Wang is leading a $1.5M NSF grant, in collaboration with ECE Assistant Professor Yanzhi Wang, CEE/MES Assistant Professor Amy Mueller, CAMD Associate Professor Brooke Foucault Welles, and Adrienne Katner from the LA State University Health Science Center, to work on “Toxic-Free Footprints to Improve Community Health against Respiratory Hazards.”

Qi “Ryan” Wang

Determining the Accuracy of Mobility Analysis Using Big Data

CEE Assistant Professor Ryan Wang, in collaboration with Cynthia Chen and Shuai Huang from the University of Washington, was awarded a $700K NSF grant for “A Whole-Community Effort to Understand Biases and Uncertainties in Using Emerging Big Data for Mobility Analysis.”

FY22 TIER 1 Award Recipients

Congratulations to the 17 COE faculty and affiliates who were recipients of FY22 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 11 different projects.

Living in Boston During COVID-19: Vaccination Planning and Hesitancy

In a newly released report from the Boston Area Research Initiative, the Center for Survey Research, and the Boston Public Health Commission, Assistant Professor Ryan Wang and a host of […]

illustration of mobile phone with covid on screen, faucet with covid in water, and covid in transportation as illustrated by railroad crossing sign

Civil and Environmental Engineering Solutions to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and its Industrial Advisory Board held a series of panel discussions entitled “Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) solutions addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

Qi “Ryan” Wang

Determining the Infection Transmission of COVID-19 in Urban Areas

CEE Assistant Professor Qi “Ryan” Wang was awarded a $200k NSF RAPID grant for determining the “Infection Transmission of COVID19 in Urban Neighborhoods.”

Qi “Ryan” Wang

Analyzing the Changing Mobility Patterns Caused by COVID-19

CEE Assistant Professor Qi “Ryan” Wang in collaboration with Jing Du from the University of Florida was awarded an $89K NSF RAPID grant for “High-Frequency Data Collection for Human Mobility Prediction during COVID-19.”

group at workshop

Wang Leads Workshop on Technologies to Power Smart Cities

Assistant Professor Qi Ryan Wang, of Northeastern’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Assistant Professor Farrokh Jazizadeh Karimi, of Virginia Tech, held a workshop, entitled, “Building Blocks for Smarter Cities” to explore the systems necessary to create sustainable future urban areas. In the conference’s program, Wang and Karimi call for increased focus on the foundational technologies that will power smart cities.

Alessandro Mazzotta Receives CMAA Scholarship

Civil Engineering student Alessandro Mazzotta was awarded a Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) Graduate Student Award by the organization’s New England Chapter. Alessandro, a Master of Science student concentrating […]

People Tend to Live & Travel to Similar Racial and Socioeconomic Areas as Themselves

CEE Assistant Professor Qi ‘Ryan’ Wang’s article on “Urban mobility and neighborhood isolation in America’s 50 largest cities” was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).

2018 GRI Seed Grant Awardees

Congratulations to the four COE teams out of eight total receiving 2018 Seed Grant funding from the Global Resilience Institute (GRI). The resilience project topics range from coastal flooding prediction […]

Improving Emergency Response Wayfinding

CEE Assistant Professor Qi “Ryan” Wang (PI) and MIE Associate Professor Yingzi Lin (co-PI) were awarded a $200K NSF grant for “Personalized Systems for Wayfinding for First Responders”.

FY18 TIER 1 Award Recipients

21 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY18 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 12 different projects representing $600K dollars of investment in research.

New Faculty Spotlight: Qi Ryan Wang

Qi Ryan Wang joins the Civil & Environmental Engineering department in Fall 2016 as an Assistant Professor.