85 Items found

Mar 08, 2017

Melodia Directs Groundbreaking NSF Wireless Communications Initiative

ECE Associate Professor Tommaso Melodia has been named the director of research of the Project Office for an NSF initiative called Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research, or PAWR, which will disburse over the next seven years nearly $100 million in investments from the NSF and more than 25 companies and industry associations to winning teams. The NSF will fund the PAWR Project Office, or PPO, with a five-year, $6.1 million award.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 23, 2016

Facebook Partners with Northeastern on Next Generation Technology

Facebook has partnered with 17 universities to allow research faculty to work together to develop new technologies.

Nov 09, 2016

Sahney Selected to National Committee on Affordable Drug Access

University Distinguished MIE Professor Vinod Sahney appointed to select national committee on "Ensuring Patient Access to Afford­able Drug Ther­a­pies".

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 03, 2016

Two COE Teams Named MassChallenge Winners

3DFortify founded by MIE Assistant Professor Randall Erb & PhD student Josh Martin selected as a $50K Gold prize winner and QSM Diagnostics founded by ChE Associate Professor Edgar Goluch awarded silver prize winner in the MassChallenge.

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 29, 2016

Exploring the World’s Energy Problems

Experts from across the country will gather at the 2nd Annual Energy Conference on Friday to discuss the world's energy problems.