Spotlight Stories

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May 08, 2017

Reflecting Back

Recent ECE Alum Liane Wong, E’17, reflects on her experiences while at Northeastern. Liane Wong, BS, Electrical Engineering, 2017, is a well rounded student. She completed three co-ops in the engineering industry, participated in a service-learning program to Belize, where she worked to empower local farmers, and served as co-chair of the Asian American Center’s […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

student sitting with group in India

Apr 19, 2017

Engineering for Rural Development in India

Written by Tavish Fenbert, fourth year Mechanical Engineering student and Theater minor. About Me Tavish Fenbert, a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student and Theatre minor from Seattle, Washington. He is currently on co-op at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay doing research in the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas. His co-op projects include designing a […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

two students on cliff overlooking body of water

May 11, 2016

Co-op in Cagliari

Co-written by James Kilgannon and David Measley, both third year Chemical Engineering students. About Me (James Kilgannon) James Kilgannon is a third year student at Northeastern University pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Entrepreneurship. He is an active member of the Chem-E-Car club that works on building a car power by […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 01, 2016

Finding my Dream Job

Kelly O’Connell, BS, Civil Engineering, 2016—received national recognition when she was selected by the American Society of Engineering Educators as the Co-op Student of the Year for 2016. Her co-op career has been varied, including work as a general contractor, a water resources consultant, and an energy sustainability professional. Kelly forged an interdisciplinary engineering path […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

student with parrots on each arm smiling

Feb 24, 2016

Co-op in Indonesia

Written by Maria George, a fifth year senior majoring in Civil Engineering with a minor in Environmental Science. About Me Maria George is a fifth year senior majoring in Civil Engineering with a minor in Environmental Science. She’s spent her undergrad exploring opportunities in Environmental Engineering through co-op and seizing every opportunity she can to apply […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

student at the Great Wall of China

Jan 02, 2016

Co-op in Beijing

Written by Neil Suttora, a junior in Electrical and Computer Engineering. About Me Neil Suttora is a Junior at NEU in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He decided to go to China for his 2nd co-op because he loves the language and culture. If you don’t know him by my name you probably have seen Neil unicycling around campus […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 07, 2014

Interning Inside NASA Langley Research Center

Craig Schmidt, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 2017—Preparing a mil­i­tary heli­copter for a crash test is a strange expe­ri­ence. You spend three months designing equip­ment, fab­ri­cating parts and preparing instru­men­ta­tion, only to crash it all into the ground at 40 miles per hour. The phys­ical prod­ucts of the effort are a set of high speed videos, crash […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 31, 2014

Family Health Scare Leads to Healthcare Systems Engineering

Kendall Sanderson, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2013—To the indus­trial engi­neering major, one of the most fas­ci­nating prob­lems to solve is the effi­cient routing of delivery trucks around the country. When Sanderson learned he could apply this skill to the health­care industry to pre­vent mis­takes like those made with his mother, he knew he’d found […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering