Spotlight Stories

150 Items found

Feb 12, 2024

Discovering Unexpected New Career Paths Through Co-op

Matthew Bowman, E’25, chemical engineering and physics, had two co-ops that took him in very different directions, but it meant he was able to find a unique career path in 3D printing he didn’t initially consider. He’s now looking forward to seeing where that path takes him.

Chemical Engineering

Feb 02, 2024

Living Life in Co-ops: An Alumnus’ Advice

After three vastly different co-op experiences and working as chief of staff at a Series A company, alumnus Alex Bender, E’20, industrial engineering, MS’20, engineering management, has realized he wants to live his life in co-ops. The next big step? Starting his own non-profit.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 01, 2024

Global Co-op Gives Bioengineering Researcher Hope for Equitable Health Care

As she begins her pursuit of a PhD, Ashka Patel, E’24, bioengineering, hopes to use what she has learned on co-op in Boston and beyond to create a more innovative and equitable health care system.


Jan 24, 2024

Understanding the Big Picture Impacts of Engineering

Across three co-ops, Thando Ray, E’24, mechanical engineering, ensured that the research and projects he worked on had an impact on global environments, including Ghana, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Indonesia.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 21, 2023

Moving Toward a Future in Bioengineering Research

By succeeding academically, thriving in two co-ops, participating in student groups, and working with a mentor, Hannah Kim, E’24, bioengineering, is set to pursue an advanced degree with a research focus on tissue mechanics and tissue biology.


Dec 01, 2023

Creating Change With Environmental Engineering and Community Engagement

Ben Lanava, E’24, environmental engineering, has had a research assistant role, two co-ops, two Dialogues of Civilization, and an Engineers Without Borders trip to Uganda, leading to many award nominations such as the Rhodes Scholarship.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 01, 2023

Early Start on a PhD Path in Mechanical Engineering

Abraham LeMole, E’23, PhD’28, mechanical engineering, starts on a PhD path under the guidance of Mehdi Abedi, MIE associate teaching professor. Two co-ops in the mechanical engineering industry helped LeMole decide to advance his education with a focus on research.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 21, 2023

Seeing the Real-World Applications of Electrical Engineering

Claire Cregin, E’25, electrical engineering, has gotten hands-on project, co-op, and research experience allowing her to apply electrical engineering to real-world applications. She built an ECG, created a game exhibited at the Boston Children’s Museum, and worked on transportation systems at Jacobs Engineering.

Electrical & Computer Engineering