Spotlight Stories

135 Items found

Apr 24, 2024

Researching Data for Life-Cycle Assessments and Chemical Sustainability

CEE Associate Professor Matthew Eckelman and Abhijeet Parvatker, PhD’21, chemical engineering, collaborated on research about how the health care industry contributes to national and global emissions. This research later led Parvatker to pursue a consultant managing role at Sphera Solutions.

Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Louiza Wise kayaks near Emerald Tutu floating wetlands off the East Boston Coast.

Apr 11, 2024

Finding Natural Solutions To Protect Coastal Communities

Louiza Wise, E’21, environmental engineering, completed three co-ops as an undergraduate that fueled her passion for tackling climate change threats with nature-based solutions. Those experiences helped her get a job at the NSF-funded Emerald Tutu project in Boston and helped her prepare for graduate school, the next step in her career.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Apr 08, 2024

Using Co-op as a Stepping Stone Towards a Full-Time Career

Magdalene Sexton Dwyer, E’23, civil engineering and architectural studies, found that her civil engineering ambitions were influenced by her architectural work on co-op and her service-based extracurriculars. By combining her academics with her personal goals, she decided to focus on affordable and sustainable housing.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Apr 05, 2024

Expanding a Structural Engineering Co-op Into a Full-Time Position

Terenia Hankewycz, civil engineering, E’22, was able to go more in-depth with each co-op in the civil engineering industry. With a particular focus on structural engineering, she returned to one of her co-ops full-time after graduation.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Apr 05, 2024

Using Machine Learning To Revolutionize Drug Discovery

Xuezhu Cai, PhD’20, bioengineering, used her LEADERs fellowship with Merck to develop a new machine learning pipeline to ensure accurate data in drug discovery. She is now a senior scientist there.


Mar 14, 2024

Developing a Sustainability Career From a Mechanical Engineering Foundation

A master’s degree from Northeastern and a co-op at BR + A helped Tammy Ngo, MS’23, sustainable building systems, change her career trajectory from mechanical engineering to sustainable building design.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mar 06, 2024

Northeastern Empowered Leading Saudi Arabian Data Scientist

Interdisciplinary Engineering aluma Kholoud Khateeb, PhD’15, is helping transform health care in Saudi Arabia as a female data scientist, and she says she owes her success to Northeastern.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 09, 2024

ChE Alum Guiding Companies to a Sustainable Future

Chemical Engineering alum Abhijeet Parvatker, PhD’21, is using the expertise he gained while in Northeastern’s LEADERS fellowship program to guide companies towards complying with a new federal rule that will require companies to disclose the chemical emissions for every product sold.

Chemical Engineering