Spotlight Stories

106 Items found

Dec 01, 2023

Cyber Physical Systems Program Rounds Out Student’s Education

After working for a start-up and receiving a patent in gesture recognition technology, Pragnya Kondrakunta, MS’23, cyber physical systems, advanced her education at Northeastern. She conducted real-world project-based coursework, selected flexible electives to map to her career goals, and gained experience on co-op as a software engineer at Lake Homes Realty.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 01, 2023

Early Start on a PhD Path in Mechanical Engineering

Abraham LeMole, E’23, PhD’28, mechanical engineering, starts on a PhD path under the guidance of Mehdi Abedi, MIE associate teaching professor. Two co-ops in the mechanical engineering industry helped LeMole decide to advance his education with a focus on research.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 20, 2023

Redefining an Engineering Career With an MS in Cyber Physical Systems

Jeffrey Machyo, MS’23, cyber physical systems, decided to shift gears to the embedded systems field when he was working as an electrical engineer at an electric power company in Kenya. At Northeastern, he completed a co-op at Desktop Metal, which gave him hands-on experience with programable devices and set him up for a successful career change.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Nov 10, 2023

Creating a Roadmap to Global Opportunities

After completing an undergraduate degree in mathematics in her home of New Delhi, Ishpreet Kaur Sethi, MS’23, data analytics engineering, came to Northeastern’s College of Engineering to earn a master’s degree and maximize the co-op experience by working as a data analyst at the UK-based Alchemab Therapeutics. Now she is poised to pursue global opportunities.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 10, 2023

Co-op and Research Puts Student on Robotics Career Path

Xavier Hubbard, MS’23, robotics, completed a co-op at Venca Robotics and conducted research as part of his master’s project. Academics, combined with the experiential learning and job experience, helped him land a job as a robotics engineer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 22, 2023

Robotics Student Researching Autonomous Vehicle Solutions

Robotics graduate student Srinivas Peri, MS’24, is completing a six-month co-op at TWT Science & Innovation in Germany, where he is researching and developing autonomous vehicle solutions.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 11, 2023

Innovation in Blockchain Technology

Siddharth Gargava, a driven and accomplished individual, embarked on a new chapter in his career by pursuing a Master’s degree in Information Systems at Northeastern University in Boston. With two and a half years of prior software engineering experience at Deloitte, Gargava sought to challenge himself and elevate his expertise by enrolling in one of […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Jul 14, 2023

Passionate About Inclusive, Innovative, and Ethically Driven Software Engineering

Chaman Betrabet, a graduate student studying Software Engineering Systems, is excitedly preparing to embark on a new chapter in their career as a Mobile Integration Developer intern at SAP America.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)