Spotlight Stories

103 Items found

Jun 27, 2022

MIE Twins Graduate with 4.0 and Dream Jobs

Recent mechanical engineering graduates and twins Jared and Jake Covell say their healthy competition helped both of them to graduate with a 4.0-grade point average and land jobs at Tesla and SpaceX. Meet Elon Musk’s twin prodigies from Northeastern Main photo: Jared Covell (left) is working with Tesla and his identical twin, Jake, soon will […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Prem Mulchandani

Jun 06, 2022

Industrial Engineering Co-op Opens Up New Career Paths

Prem Mulchandani received an MS in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University in 2021. He first became interested in supply chain management while working in India. A co-op experience at Northeastern not only brought his skillset to a new level, but also opened up new career opportunities. Mulchandani spent the Spring 2021 co-op cycle working as […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Isabella Cardona Barber

Apr 25, 2022

Featured Galante Fellow: Isabella Cardona Barber

Isabella Cardona Barber is a fourth-year student at Northeastern University graduating in May 2022 with a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MS in Engineering Management. She joined Galante in November 2020 after learning about the program at an AIChE club meeting in her first year of studies at Northeastern, where an active Galante fellow […]

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Christopher Gehrke

Apr 20, 2022

Featured Galante Fellow: Christopher Gehrke

Christopher Gehrke is a fifth-year student at Northeastern University graduating May 2022 with a combined bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Gehrke started at Northeastern University knowing that he wanted to study in a program related to applied mathematics. As a student in the College of Engineering, he had the opportunity to learn […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Renuka Kannan

Mar 11, 2022

Featured Galante Fellow: Renuka Kannan

Renuka Kannan is a fifth-year student at Northeastern University graduating in May 2022 with a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MS in Engineering Management. While on campus, she has participated in various activities to contribute to the Northeastern community. To support the department, she has worked as an industrial engineering tutor, a course assistant […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Angela Tsuei

Mar 04, 2022

Featured Galante Fellow: Angela Tsuei

Angela Tsuei is a fifth-year Honors student at Northeastern University graduating in May 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a master’s degree in Engineering Management. When she first started at Northeastern, Tsuei was originally pursuing a degree in Bioengineering with a concentration in biomedical devices. She was interested in working in the […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 07, 2021

Featured Galante Fellow: Heather Gerstley

Heather Gerstley is a fifth-year student at Northeastern University graduating this December with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management. Gerstley knew that she wanted to work in healthcare and help people in a rapidly changing and innovative industry. With her interest in mathematics and life sciences, Bioengineering was the […]

Bioengineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 23, 2021

Helping to Bring Families Closer Together

Data analytics engineering student Ravalika Kurumilla, ME’22, has been working on co-op at to create algorithms to help customers find their family connections.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering