Spotlight Stories
Mar 06, 2024
Northeastern Empowered Leading Saudi Arabian Data Scientist
Interdisciplinary Engineering alumna Kholoud Khateeb, PhD’15, is helping transform health care in Saudi Arabia as a female data scientist, and she says she owes her success to Northeastern.
Feb 09, 2024
ChE Alum Guiding Companies to a Sustainable Future
Chemical Engineering alum Abhijeet Parvatker, PhD’21, is using the expertise he gained while in Northeastern’s LEADERS fellowship program to guide companies towards complying with a new federal rule that will require companies to disclose the chemical emissions for every product sold.
Feb 02, 2024
Living Life in Co-ops: An Alumnus’ Advice
After three vastly different co-op experiences and working as chief of staff at a Series A company, alumnus Alex Bender, E’20, industrial engineering, MS’20, engineering management, has realized he wants to live his life in co-ops. The next big step? Starting his own non-profit.
Nov 10, 2023
Co-op and Research Puts Student on Robotics Career Path
Xavier Hubbard, MS’23, robotics, completed a co-op at Venca Robotics and conducted research as part of his master’s project. Academics, combined with the experiential learning and job experience, helped him land a job as a robotics engineer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Oct 13, 2023
PhD Spotlight: Suzanne Stasiak, PhD’23, Bioengineering
Suzanne Stasiak earned a PhD in bioengineering with a research focus on airway smooth muscle mechanics and interactions with the extracellular matrix in the context of understanding the development of asthma. She published a first-author paper in Science Advances in August 2020, and in 2021, was awarded the Northeastern University College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Award.
Oct 13, 2023
PhD Spotlight: Yu Yin, PhD’23, Computer Engineering
Yu Yin’s, PhD’23, computer engineering, research interests broadly include visual synthesis and understanding, multimodality fusion, and transfer learning. She has more than two dozen peer-reviewed papers. Yin received the NSF I-Corps grant in 2022 and the Northeastern University Dissertation Completion Fellowship in 2023. She also worked at Microsoft and Zillow as a research intern. Yin is now at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Engineering as an assistant professor of computer and data sciences.
Oct 12, 2023
PhD Spotlight: Xiaoyu “Criss” Zhang, PhD’23, Mechanical Engineering
Xiaoyu “Criss” Zhang, PhD’23, mechanical engineering, focused research to understand and tailor magnetofunctional materials. He applied novel materials processing approaches to alter local atomic environments and structures at scales from Ångstrom-level to microscale to tailor magnetofunctionality. Zhang contributed to 14 peer-reviewed journal publications, including nine published contributions, with three as first-author, and five manuscripts in preparation. He continued as a postdoctoral researcher.
Oct 12, 2023
PhD Spotlight: Razan Al Lawati, PhD’23, Industrial Engineering
Razan Al Lawati, PhD’23, industrial engineering, conducted research focusing on using stochastic optimization in various ways to develop decision-making tools for systems that deal with uncertainty. She developed a novel framework and her entrepreneurial drive led her to found a solar consulting firm in Oman. Her research contributions were published in the Journal of Applied Energy.