CEE PhD Student wins 2015 O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship
CEE PhD student Lizhong Wang is one of four winners of the national 2015 O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship from the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The O. H. Amman Research Fellowship is awarded to Ph.D. candidates based on the potential innovation and impact on society of their proposed research. Lizhong is developing a new structural system based on Design for Deconstruction, which enables buildings to be taken apart at the end of their useful life, with their components reused rather than recycled. This system has the potential to decrease the amount of energy, materials, waste, and pollution required for construction. Lizhong, who is working with Jerome Hajjar and Mark Webster of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, is conducting large-scale experimental tests of the structural system in the STReSS Laboratory. Congratulations to Lizhong!