COE to gain new Center for Healthcare Systems Engineering

A new healthcare systems engineering center has been established partnering Northeastern University’s healthcare industrial engineering program with New England Veterans Affairs (VA), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and several VA centers of excellence. The partnership develops and implements innovative industrial engineering solutions to dramatically improve process quality, access, safety, efficiency, and performance throughout the VA healthcare system, as well as New England and U.S. healthcare processes more broadly.
Supported initially by $3.4 million annually from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in grants and matching funding, the New England Veterans Engineering Resource Center (NE-VERC) is one of four new national Veterans Engineering Research Centers created in July 2009 that together represent the single largest investment in healthcare process improvement in the U.S.
MIE Associate Professor, James C. Benneyan, will be the Executive Director of the New England Healthcare Systems Engineering Research Center.
Dr. James Benneyan is a leading authority on healthcare systems engineering, founding director of two federally-awarded healthcare engineering centers, and professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Northeastern University. Benneyan has served as director, co-director, principal investigator, or Co-PI in seven engineering research centers, and research laboratories totaling over $32 million in funding. His research focuses on mathematical modeling and optimization of healthcare systems broadly, with particular emphasis and area expertise in patient safety, access, logistics, comparative effectiveness, quality, and treatment optimization.