Dean Aubry Named NAI Fellow

COE Dean and Uni­ver­sity Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor Nadine Aubry has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inven­tors for her innovations in fluid mechanics.

Source: News @ Northeastern

Nadine Aubry, Uni­ver­sity Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor and dean of the Col­lege of Engi­neering, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inven­tors. A member of the National Academy of Engi­neering, Aubry is a glob­ally rec­og­nized leader in the field of mechan­ical engi­neering, par­tic­u­larly fluid mechanics.

Elec­tion to NAI Fellow status is a high pro­fes­sional dis­tinc­tion accorded to inven­tors “who have demon­strated a highly pro­lific spirit of inno­va­tion in cre­ating or facil­i­tating out­standing inven­tions that have made a tan­gible impact on quality of life, eco­nomic devel­op­ment, and the wel­fare of society.”

Of her recog­ni­tion, Aubry said, “I am greatly hon­ored that the NAI has chosen to rec­og­nize my con­tri­bu­tions, and look for­ward to working with the academy to pro­mote tech­nology inno­va­tions which ben­efit society and are cru­cial to the eco­nomic devel­op­ment in the U.S. and across the globe.”

The National Academy of Inven­tors, com­prised of U.S. and inter­na­tional uni­ver­si­ties as well as gov­ern­ment and non­profit insti­tu­tions, was founded to rec­og­nize and encourage inven­tors with patents issued from the U.S. Patent and Trade­marks Office, enhance the vis­i­bility of aca­d­emic tech­nology and inno­va­tion, encourage the dis­clo­sure of intel­lec­tual prop­erty, edu­cate and mentor inno­v­a­tive stu­dents, and trans­late the inven­tions of its mem­bers to ben­efit society.

The academy announced its 2014 class of Fel­lows on Tuesday morning. They will be inducted in March at the NAI’s fourth-​​annual con­fer­ence by Andrew Faile, the USPTO deputy U.S. com­mis­sioner for patent operations.

It is a proud moment when one of our own leaders is rec­og­nized for advancing a field as an inventor,” said Stephen W. Director, provost and senior vice pres­i­dent for aca­d­emic affairs. “Dean Aubry has taken engi­neering research and inno­va­tion to the next level. This latest recog­ni­tion is exem­plary of the mul­ti­fac­eted leader and scholar she is.”

Aubry has made ground­breaking con­tri­bu­tions to the field of fluid dynamics that have earned her the dis­tinc­tion of fellow of the Amer­ican Society of Mechan­ical Engi­neers, the Amer­ican Phys­ical Society, the Amer­ican Insti­tute for Aero­nau­tics and Astro­nau­tics, and the Amer­ican Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Science.

Her pio­neering work on low dimen­sional mod­eling of tur­bu­lent flow has shown that the main fea­tures of the flow can be repro­duced by using just a few struc­tures. Her inno­v­a­tive tech­niques are used by industry for the rapid assess­ment and con­trol of com­plex fluid flows, with appli­ca­tions in areas such as aero­space, ships and sub­marines, and turbomachinery.

As founding director of one of the first cen­ters in the area of microflu­idics research, Aubry also invented new micromixers, which enable tiny amounts of fluid to be com­bined very effi­ciently at a low cost. This tech­nology enabled the next gen­er­a­tion of microflu­idics, par­tic­u­larly for the biotech industry.

Her research group was also one of the first to study the effect of elec­tricity on microflu­idic flows, using that knowl­edge to create accu­rate, effi­cient, scal­able, and cheap methods and devices to manip­u­late micron and nano-​​sized par­ti­cles in bulk flows as well as create highly-​​ordered and adjustable ultra-​​thin coatings.

Aubry has earned many other acco­lades throughout her career, including the Pres­i­den­tial Young Inves­ti­gator Award from the National Sci­ence Foundation.

Aubry has also served as chair of the National Acad­e­mies’ U.S. National Com­mittee for The­o­ret­ical and Applied Mechanics and cur­rently serves as past chair of the Amer­ican Phys­ical Society Divi­sion of Fluid Dynamics.

Born in France, she received a “diplome d’Ingenieur” from the National Poly­technic Insti­tute of Grenoble, France, and a master’s degree from the Sci­en­tific and Med­ical Uni­ver­sity, also in Grenoble. She earned her doc­torate from the Sibley School of Mechan­ical and Aero­space Engi­neering at Cor­nell University.

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