ECE PhD Student Vageeswar Rajaram Receives Best Paper Award at IEEE IFCS-ISAF
Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD student Vageeswar Rajaram receives Best Paper Award at IEEE IFCS-ISAF 2020 Virtual Conference for his paper “A Zero Standby Power MEMS Switch-based Infrared Sensor with Frequency Output”.
This paper describes an interesting new way to easily measure infrared intensity using zero-power infrared detectors developed in our SMART center/ Northeastern Sensors and Nano Systems lab. Potential applications include large scale IoT sensor networks remote-controlled microrobotics and biomedicine.
Abstract: The paper describes a novel method to add measurement functionality to zero standby power infrared threshold detectors without any additional electronics. The technique is based on a thermomechanical feedback loop integrated onboard the device itself that produces an oscillating mechanical and electrical signal whose frequency depends on the the intensity of the incident infrared signal. Potential applications include remote IoT networks, remote control of microbots and biomedical drug delivery systems.