Gupta Gives a Keynote Speech at the Third International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy (ICoFT2022)

MIE Professor Surendra M. Gupta delivered a keynote speech titled “Academic Research in Reverse Supply Chains, Disassembly and Remanufacturing: A Comprehensive Overview” during December 14-16, 2022 at the 3rd International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy (ICoFT2022) organized by NIT Puducherry, Karaikal, India. Reverse supply chain consists of a series of activities required to collect used products from consumers and reprocess them to either recover their leftover market values or dispose of them. Disassembly and Remanufacturing are important elements of reverse supply chains. Over the past two decades, the disassembly line balancing problem and its variants have grown ever more popular for researchers and practitioners of environmentally conscious manufacturing. In addition, the increase in popularity and implementation of remanufacturing have created many challenges due to uncertainties in the quality and quantities of returned products, difficulties in estimating the remaining lives of the components, unknown timings of the availability of end-of-life products, pricing decisions, warranty cost estimation and opportunities for committing fraud by third party and customers. Prof. Gupta’s speech identified the gaps in the literature and suggested avenues for future research.