Patent for Improving O-RAN Efficiency and Flexibility

ECE Associate Research Professor Salvatore D’Oro, William Lincoln Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia, Assistant Research Professor Michele Polese, and Associate Research Scientist Leonardo Bonati were awarded a patent for “Intelligence and learning in O-RAN for 5G and 6G cellular networks.”

Abstract Source: USPTO

A radio access network (RAN) intelligent controller (RIC) and corresponding method may be implemented within RAN and in next-generation cellular networks to improve performance. The RIC comprises an interface to a RAN and further comprises a data-driven logic unit. The data-driven logic unit (i) produces, based on data received from the RAN via the interface, a representation describing a state of the RAN and (ii) based on the representation describing the state, instructs an action associated with at least one network element. The interface transmits a message based on the action instructed. The message is to be routed to the at least one network element. The representation is based on a context of the RAN. The message transmitted enabling re-configuration of the at least one network element. The re-configuration improves performance of the at least one network element within the context.

Related Faculty: Salvatore D'Oro, Tommaso Melodia, Michele Polese, Leonardo Bonati

Related Departments:Electrical & Computer Engineering