Prof. Harris and Vittoria receive $400K NSF Grant
ECE Professors Vincent Harris and Carmine Vittoria received a $400K NSF grant to study electric field tunable microwave magnetic passive devices.
Vincent Harris has had a distinguished career as an engineer, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and leader of engineers and scientists for more than 25 years. His professional preparation includes the Ph.D. (NU-EE), M.Sc. (NU-ME, MSE), M.Sc. (U. Md.-Eng. Mgt.), M.Sc. (U. Penn.-Exec. Tech. Mgt.), and B.Sc. (NU-ME) degrees. He presently holds the position of University Distinguished Professor and William Lincoln Smith Chair Professor of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University. In 2004, he founded and assumed Directorship of the Center for Microwave Magnetic Materials and Integrated Circuits (CM3IC): a Center internationally renowned for its accomplishments in microwave materials and devices. The mission of the CM3IC is to develop next generation microwave materials and device solutions for radar and wireless communication technologies for U.S. Defense and commercial industries. As Director of the CM3IC, Harris has raised more than 12 M$ of federal research funds since 2004. Total federal agency funds raised throughout his career exceed 32 M$. He is Founder and Chairman of the Board of the NEU spinout Metamagnetics Inc. (Canton, MA USA). Metamagnetics is a small, veteran-owned, for-profit business that provides electromagnetic solutions to meet the needs of the commercial and defense community in the area of communications and radar.
Carmine Vittoria received his PH.D. in applied quantum physics from Yale University in 1970.He was employed at the Naval Research Laboratory as a physicist. Topics of research included: magnetstrictive planar devices, magnetostatic delay lines, composite electrical and magnetic materials, computer circuits on first Navy computer, ferrites, production of planar devices. He is employed at Northeastern University as a full professor. At NU, he has established a world class research laboratory in the development of new microwave materials. Fabricated mixer devices using high Tc superconducting devices, sub-micron planar devices, security tag devices, magnetic transducers, artificial ferrite materials, and a number of planar filter devices.