Rick Scranton receives singular honor from ASCE

The American Society of Civil Engineers has established the Richard J. Scranton Outstanding Community Service Award.
This national award recognizes Rick's pioneering work in promoting ASCE student chapter involvement in community service activities, including a number of projects that benefitted our surrounding communities. As an advisor for our ASCE student chapter in the 1970's and 1980's, Rick redefined the range of chapter activities, particularly in the area of community service. In the terminology of today, Rick was a true pioneer in service learning. Our student chapter has been recognized as the best in the nation nine times. The Richard J. Scranton Outstanding Community Service Award will be presented annually to the ASCE Student Chapter from across the country that has best demonstrated excellence in community service. This is a well-deserved perpetual recognition of Rick's dedication to the comprehensive education of students, to enabling their success, and to his field of civil engineering.