Spearheading the Resurgence of Semiconductor Manufacturing Domestically

University Distinguished and William Lincoln Smith Professor Ahmed Busnaina, mechanical and industrial engineering, is part of the Massachusetts Semiconductor Coalition which has been working to grow the semiconductor sector in the state. The members of the Coalition represent the best of Massachusetts, bringing together leaders from the private sector, academic institutions, federal labs, and the state. They recently met at Analog Device’s corporate headquarters in Wilmington to celebrate the passing of the CHIPs and Science Act which will strengthen domestic semiconductor production, design, and research, enabling our workforce to compete and invest in innovative scientific research to develop next-gen microelectronics.
This Coalition effort started more than six months ago with several companies, universities, and nonprofit organizations such as Lincoln Lab, Mitre, Draper, etc. They all worked on developing an Edge Center Concept for electronics. The center has three groups: R&D group, infrastructure group, and workforce development group. Northeastern University is a member of all three.
The goals of the Coalition are as follows:
- Bring together a coalition of leaders from industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to transform Massachusetts, and the greater Northeast, into the innovation engine needed to accelerate domestic development, scaling, and adoption of the disruptive microelectronics innovations that will ensure U.S. leadership of the Intelligent and Secure Edge.
- Create the disruptive edge-microelectronics ecosystem – centered in Massachusetts – needed to solve the challenges too big for one entity and catalyze a virtuous cycle of innovation, economic growth, and investment across the Northeast.
Photo with keynote speakers Secretary Mike Kennealy, the Center for Advance Manufacturing Director Christine Nolan, ADI’s CFO and CTO Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah and Dan Leibholz, as well as members of the Coalition representing Raytheon Technologies, Analog Devices, MACOM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, IQE, Applied Materials, MITRE, Northeastern University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, UMass Boston, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Draper, Teradyne, DuPont, Cadence Design Systems, BAE Systems, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.