Sznaier Joins the less than 1% of CSS Members with this Distinction
ECE Professor Mario Sznaier was presented with the 2012 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award for his scientific contributions to multi objective robust control, dynamic vision & imaging, and identification and for his outstanding service.
Improvements in many aspects of our lives will depend on improved control systems. For example, better control system would greatly reduce the non uniformity in temperature that is so annoying in many office buildings and homes. It has already been demonstrated that autonomous vehicles can safely navigate a complicated closed course. Improvements in the control of automobiles could eliminate the need for a human driver and greatly enhance the safety of automobile travel. Safer cars could be made much lighter, thereby reducing the amount of energy they need to function.
There are many examples of control systems that are working today. And, there are innumerable opportunities to improve control systems in the future. The IEEE Control Systems Society exists to facilitate these advances.