WIoT Faculty Win INFOCOM Best Paper Award

ECE Assistant Professor Francesco Restuccia and William L. Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia received the best paper award at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), for their work “ChARM: NextG Spectrum Sharing Through Data-Driven Real-Time O-RAN Dynamic Control“. The paper radically advances the state of the art in 5G spectrum sharing technology, by proposing and evaluating novel data-driven algorithms that can sense the spectrum, identify the wireless technologies currently being used, and reconfigure in real-time the cellular network parameters according to sophisticated spectrum access policies defined by the cellular network operator. This is the third IEEE Infocom Best Paper Award by WIoT faculty and researchers in the past five years. INFOCOM is the oldest conference in the area of Computer Networks, and the most impactful according to Google Scholar in the area of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications.