Graduate School of Engineering Overview Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Hosted by the Graduate School of Engineering at Northeastern, this webinar will offer general information about admissions, graduate degree opportunities, experiential learning, student life, and the Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership. Registration is required

COE PhD Research Expo

Curry Student Center 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA, United States

The College of Engineering is excited to announce the seventh annual COE PhD Research Expo, and we invite all COE students to submit a poster abstract. The expo is a wonderful opportunity for your students to highlight their research and gain presentation experience before RISE. Place:    Indoor Quad, Curry Student Center Student Abstracts: Please encourage […]

Women in Tech USA

Join the Graduate Admissions team at the Women in Tech USA conference in National Harbor, MD. Connect with us throughout the event to learn more about our graduate engineering programs offered across the globe, especially our Arlington, VA campus!