AIAA: Aerospace NU

Since 1963, members from a single professional society have achieved virtually every milestone in modern American flight. That society is the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

With more than 35,000 individual members and 100 corporate members, AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. Created in 1963 by the merger of the two great aerospace societies of the day, the American Rocket Society (founded in 1930 as the American Interplanetary Society), and the Institute of the Aerospace Sciences (established in 1933 as the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences), AIAA carries forth a proud tradition of more than 80 years of aerospace leadership.

Their primary goal is to give students hands-on engineering experience through projects in the aeronautics and astronautics field. The AIAA Northeastern hosts social and networking events. They were the first place winner in the 2014 Battle of the Rockets at the Target Altitude Event.


Student Organization Advisor

Andrew Gouldstone
Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Biomechanics, material science, engineering mechanics

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