Enabling Engineering

Enabling Engineering is a Northeastern University student-led group that designs and builds devices to empower individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities.

Enabling Engineering is a Northeastern University student-led group that designs and builds devices to empower individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities.  Our students collaborate with clients on projects that provide greater independence, reduce medical burdens, and increase social connections. We do this by building low-cost devices that improve the lives of older adults and individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities, help family members and nursing care professionals take care of people with special needs, and empower affected individuals by giving them greater independence, and increasing social contact, at a minimal cost.

All of the projects in the club are created and led by students of all years and disciplines. Project groups work with individuals, caregivers, and special education schools to assess a specific need. Students then research potential solutions, develop a detailed proposal for a project, and are guided through the design process by the management team. As a member of Enabling Engineering, students gain valuable design experience, and the ability to contribute to improving the lives of disabled individuals. The group represents a unique partnership among undergraduate students, faculty researchers, alumni, mentors, caregivers, and individual users.

Please view the Enabling Engineering 2018 Annual Report for more information about the group’s activities.

Student Organization Advisor

Waleed Meleis
Vice Provost for Graduate Education,  Office of the Provost
Associate Professor,  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliated Faculty,  Bioengineering

Combinatorial optimization, function approximation for large-scale machine learning, platforms for large-scale social experimentation, assistive technology