SEWERS: Students of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Research & Sustainability

The purpose of our group is to serve as an organizational vehicle for educational and social events for environmental graduate students including student presentations, seminar guest presentations, outings/field trips, and networking with other universities.

The purpose of our group is to serve as an organizational vehicle for educational and social events for environmental graduate students including student presentations, seminar guest presentations, outings/field trips, and networking with other universities.

Our mission is to actively seek and promote the improvement of the quality of graduate student life, academic affairs and research within environmental and water resources engineering in the College of Engineering for both full-time and part-time students and to promote the dissemination, discussion, and interest of environmental and water resources engineering research at Northeastern University.

Email us for more information.

Student Organization Advisor

Philip Larese-Casanova
Associate Professor,  Civil and Environmental Engineering
Affiliated Faculty,  Marine and Environmental Sciences

Physical, chemical, and electrochemical transformation processes of metallic, inorganic, and organic water pollutants, with applications to groundwater environments and unit operations