Bryan Spring

Affiliated Faculty,  Bioengineering
Assistant Professor,  Physics



  • 617.373.5303

Research Focus

targeted photomedicine, biophysical microscopy and cancer biology


  • PhD, University of Illinois 2008

Honors & Awards

  • Smith Family Awards Program for Excellence in Biomedical Research
  • The National Cancer Institute Transition Career Development Award

Research Overview

targeted photomedicine, biophysical microscopy and cancer biology

Selected Research Projects

  • Multiplexed and Dynamically Targeted Photoimmunotherapy of Heterogeneous, Chemo-resistant Micrometastases Guided by Online In Vivo Optical Imaging of Cell-Surface Biomarkers
    • – Principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute
  • Peering into Cancer Stem Cell Niches to Guide Suppression of Multiple Signaling Loop Pathways
    • – Principal Investigator, Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation

Selected Publications

  • E.M. Kercher, S. Nath, I. Rizvi, B.Q. Spring Cancer Cell-Targeted and Activatable Photoimmunotherapy Spares T Cells in a 3D Co-Culture Model, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 96(2), 2020, 295–300
  • N. Davoudzadeh, G. Ducourthial, B.Q. Spring, Custom Fabrication and Mode-Locked Operation of a Femtosecond Fiber Laser for Multiphoton Microscopy, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, 4233
  • B.Q. Spring, R.B. Sears, L.Z. Zheng, Z.Mai, R. Watanabe, M.E. Sherwood, D.A. Schoenfeld, B.W. Pogue, S.P. Pereira, E. Villa, T. Hasan, A Photoactivable Multi-Inhibitor Nanoliposome for Tumour Control and Simultaneous Inhibition of Treatment Escape Pathways, Nature Nanotechnology, 11(4), 2016, 378
  • B.Q. Spring, A.O. Abu-Yousif, A. Palanisami, I. Rizvi, X. Zheng, Z. Mai, S. Anbil, R.B. Sears, L.B. Mensah, R. Goldschmidt, S.S. Erdem, E. Oliva E, T. Hasan Selective Treatment and Monitoring of Disseminated Cancer Micrometastases in Vivo using Dual-Function, Activatable Immunoconjugates, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(10), 2014, E933–E942


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